you are a bean try to find your "ground"...

on this endless floating-islands-world, can you find the way to your home?

music by PumpkiNotes

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)

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Fun game!  It was challenging but I was able to finish it and I had fun with it.  The mechanics are smooth and reliable.  I initially thought the screen size was a little off as I sometimes couldn't see any platforms to the right or left and found myself blind jumping.  But I eventually realized that one of your mechanics helps with this (trying not to spoil too much), and getting better at double-jumping and upward-dashing also helped.  I never did quite figure out how exactly bombs are awarded (sometimes killing enemies gets you more, sometimes not) or subtracted (sometimes shooting them diminishes the supply, sometimes not).  I guess there was a probabilistic chance when killing an enemy or using a bomb of increasing/decreasing the supply?  And I realize everyone has their own taste with keying, but in case it's helpful feedback: I thought W for jump and spacebar for dash would have felt more natural.  Good job!

bes gaem evr in 2023 !!!1!!
